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Серия 1: The mysterious Dragon balls appear!! Son Goku becomes a child!?
Серия 2: I am the Leader! Pan Flies into Space!!
Серия 3: The Ultimate Moneygrubbers!! Imegga, Planet of Merchants
Серия 4: Wanted!! Goku is a criminal!?
Серия 5: See, the Strong Guy!! The Bodyguard Rejjik
Серия 6: It hurts, eh!? Goku the dentist
Серия 7: Beloved Honey!? The Betrothed is Trunks
Серия 8: Son Goku also Thunders!! The Whiskers` Power is at Full
Серия 9: Damn!! Goku Leaps into the Trap Planet!?
Серия 10: Dance Attack!? Boom-shakalaka!!
Серия 11: The Curse of Ruudo!? Pan turns into a Doll
Серия 12: The Oracle of God is REALLY Troublesome!! Soldier Ruudo
Серия 13: This is Father and Son? The Riddle of Scientist Myuu
Серия 14: Can We Get the Rhythm Down Perfectly!? Capture Ruudo!!
Серия 15: \"I Can`t Take Anymore!!\" Pan Runs Away!?
Серия 16: Machine Planet M2... Gill the Backstabber!?
Серия 17: Waiting for Pan!! The Tactical Strike to Rescue Son Goku!!
Серия 18: Yo, Some Data is Missing!! Son Goku`s Ultimate True Determination
Серия 19: Set Out and Attack!! The Mighty Mutant Rirudo
Серия 20: Surprise!! Goku`s Attacked By a Metal Storm
Серия 21: What is this!! Goku is Turned to Metal
Серия 22: Violent Ambition!! Birth of the Evil `Bebi`
Серия 23: A Hidden Crisis? A Spacewrecked and Mysterious Boy
Серия 24: Bebi`s Counterattack!! Target the Saiya-jin!!
Серия 25: Oh no!! Bebi Has Appeared on Earth
Серия 26: Gohan and Goten... The Worst Brotherly Spat!?
Серия 27: Ambition Achieved!? Vejita Possessed
Серия 28: Goku Returns... \"All of Earth is My Enemy!?\"
Серия 29: This is Really Bad!? Supper Saiya-jin 3 Fails!!
Серия 30: Goku Has Passed On!? \"I`m Dead\"
Серия 31: What the...!? The Sky of Suguro-ku Studio is Collapsing
Серия 32: Goku Returns!! Angry Fighter Uubu
Серия 33: Eat This, Bebi! New Uubu`s Killing Light Ray!!
Серия 34: The Transformation Fails? Giant Ape Goku`s Rampage
Серия 35: Final Strength! Goku Becomes Super Saiya-jin 4!!
Серия 36: Immortal Monster!? Atrocious Giant Monkey Bebi
Серия 37: Bebi and Goku -- Double KO!!
Серия 38: From Everyone`s Power... The Revival of Super Goku 4
Серия 39: This is How it Ends! At Last, Bebi`s Extinction
Серия 40: Earth Explodes!! Piccolo`s Serious Determination
Серия 41: Tenkai-Ichi Budoukai.Who Will Be Satans Successor?
Серия 42: Die, Son Goku!! The Revived Strong Enemies Escape From Hell
Серия 43: Hell`s Devil Fighters!! The Revival of Cell and Freezer
Серия 44: The Ultimate Android! The Two #17s Unite
Серия 45: Hurry, Goku!! The Plan to Escape From Hell
Серия 46: Crash!! SSJ4 vs Super #17
Серия 47: The Big Reversal! Son Goku`s and #18`s 2-Step Attack Explosion
Серия 48: This is a Surprise! Shenron is the Enemy?!
Серия 49: The Strongest Enemy!? The Fear of the Underhanded-Trick Using Dragon
Серия 50: Saiya-jin Power Dies in Honorable Defeat!? Electrical Fighter Uu Shinlon
Серия 51: Ryuu Shinlon! Looking for the Big Tornado Attack`s Weak Point
Серия 52: Pan, Look Out! To be Possessed by Chii-Shenron
Серия 53: Pan Dies!? The Tears of 10x`s Kamehame-ha
Серия 54: 6000 Degree Celsius Power! The Fighter of the Sun
Серия 55: Bulma Begins Working on Vejita`s Makeover Plan!
Серия 56: After the Sun, Comes the Freeze! The Fire and Ice
Серия 57: The Overwhelmingly Strong Enemy!! The Ruling Evil
Серия 58: Counterattack Returned! Super 4 is Surpassed
Серия 59: Friend? Foe?... Were-monkey Vejita on the Rampage
Серия 60: Fu--sion!! The Ultimate Super Gojita
Серия 61: I WILL Win!! Goku Swallows the #4 Dragonball
Серия 62: To the Rescue!! Goku`s Final Assistant Appears
Серия 63: The Miracle Turnaround Victory!! Son Goku Pleads with the Galaxy for Help
Серия 64: Goodbye, Goku... Till the Day We Meet Again
Эпизод 36 онлайн: Immortal Monster!? Atrocious Giant Monkey Bebi
Cem Hutchinson
Jordanna Lake